Fairy Dust & Glitter
Angel Light Magic Dust (1/4 oz)
Just a pinch of this magickal dust can aid you in attracting the blessings, guidance, and joy of an ..
Faerie Magic Dust (1/4 oz)
Add just a pinch and a sprinkle of Faerie Magic dust to your magic crafts to help bring the wonder a..
Gold Fairy Glitter 1oz
Sprinkle this gold glitter during your ritual magic to help surround yourself in wealth and prosperi..
Gold Glitter 1 Lb
Use this gold glitter in your ritual crafts to help draw money and prosperity into your life or busi..
Prosperity Magic Dust (1/4 oz)
A pinch of this prosperity magic dust can help empower your rituals and blessings, helping you to at..
Silver Fairy Glitter 1oz
Use this silver glitter to sprinkle in your ritual crafts, helping to draw upon the powers and prope..
Silver Glitter 1 lb
Representing the Moon and Goddess this silver glitter will help you draw down these powerful forces...